Thursday 25 October 2012

Research: Magazine Analysis

  •    The magazine Kerrang! is produced by the Bauer Media Group, a company owned privately by the Bauer family, since 1875.
  •   The target audience for the magazine are fans of the British Heavy Metal, and Hard Rock.
  •    Kerrang! costs £2.20 per issue.
  •    Kerrang! is a weekly publication.
  •    Kerrang! has a circulation of 42,077.

The Cover
  • The Title/Masthead of the magazine is Kerrang!. It is named after the onomatopoeic sound made when playing a power chord on an electric guitar. The exclamation mark at the end suggests loud music. 
  • The logo is distorted text, which looks like a reverberation of a sound-wave, creating a line of text. It also also covered partly by the main photo, suggesting a messy, unkempt style. It could also been seen as broken, as the title has lines suggesting it has been broken up.  
  • The main graphic is of the lead singer of the band 'Paramore', holding a photo of herself, eating raw meat. The facial expression shows a look of disgust, and shock toward the photo of herself. The gaze is at the reader, as if to involve them in the shock. The body language is very closed, to further the idea of shock. The clothing is also fairly plain, which is utilized to draw the reader's eye to the face of the singer. This draws the reader in, as they feel as though they are part of the story. 
  • The other images that appear on the cover are other embarrassing photos of other bands, as they are all part of the main story in the magazine. There are also photo advertisements for competitions, and free posters in the magazine.
  • The content promoted by the cover lines are sets of free posters, an interview with 'Twin Atlantic', and the other artists featuring in the magazine, including 'Nickelback, Led Zeppelin, Nightwish, Muse, Tonight Alive and Huntress.'  
  • The typeface utilized give the magazine a strong appearance, like the music behind it. The main title is a very edgy, Sans-Serif font, with a large exclamation mark at the end of it. The text is all in capital letters, suggesting the loudness of the title. The majority of the text on the cover is also capital, with blocking behind it. These are all either Red, Black or White text, which is accentuated by the blocking. The other style of text can be equated to a graffiti-like text, which insinuates an informal style of text. It is used at the bottom of the main story, to involve the reader in the story, and to make the story seem to have a more personal touch. The vast majority of the pictures feature the artists looking toward the reader, which draws the reader in, and makes them feel part of the story.
  • The mode of address utilized in Kerrang! has an informal quality to it. The language is similar to the way people would spread a story by word of mouth. The main story also utilizes the second person, making regular references to the word "You". The text in the centre of the page also has a warn quality to it, suggesting the age of the photos that are the focus of the story, and how the artists thought they had been forgotten, or lost.
  • The cover of Kerrang! is distinctive, and unique, as no other magazine uses such a layout. It has a very busy cover with a lot of different elements for the reader to look at. There is a great number of photos, and a wide range of text, spread unevenly throughout the cover, which is an uncommon feature on any magazine. Kerrang! also offers a large number of competitions on the front cover, which most magazines don't offer. 
  • The front cover of Kerrang! also contains a number of quotes from artists below their respective pictures, however, this isn't a fully unique feature, as many other magazines utilize such a feature.                                     

Thursday 18 October 2012

Initial Research Ideas

Here is my research on existing magazines, and what i will have to research to design my magazine