Monday 5 November 2012

Potential magazine titles

The Genre I have initially chosen to write my music magazine on is classical music, simply because I have an interest in said genre, and I feel that the style of the cover would be far more suited to my style of working. The names I have initially began to think of include:

  • Claves
  • Major
  • Falsetto
  • Symphony
  • Allegretto: Allegretto is the title for a tempo, which is faster than allegro. I really like this title, as it is a strong, and distinctive title.
  • Minor
  • Baroque
  • Requiem: A requiem is the name of a musical composition setting parts such as mass. I think this would be a good title for a classical music magazine, as the name is suitable. 
  • Sonata
  • Schubert
  • Amoretti
  • Chorus: The chorus is the central piece of music in a song, and is also used as the name for a Choir, so I think this would suit the name of a classical magazine. 
  • Tenebrae
  • Valletta 
  • Overture: This is the technical term for the start of piece of music, or the prelude of a piece of music, that leads into the main section. 
My personal favorite out of these names is Allegretto, as it literally means: "A fast tempo", and I think that it is a good title for a classical music magazine.

However, the other Genre I am considering to utilize for my magazine is Alternative. This is because I prefer this to classical music, and with some effort, I feel that I could achieve a high standard of work. The potential names for these include:
  • Illumination
  • Looking Glass
  • Requiem
  • Flow
  • Pulse
  • Bane
  • Sonic
  • Reckless
  • Outsider
  • Newcomer
  • Drifter
  • Renegade: This title means an outsider, and my target audience are seen by UK Tribes as outsiders, so the title fits the audience.
  • Unknown
  • N.M.H
  • Absolution
  • Dissidence
  • Virtue
  • Cardinal
  • Exceed/ Excell
  • Arcadia: This title has no real meaning, yet this title is by far one of the most unique of my selection. 
  • Edge
  • Razor/RaZor
  • Eternity
  • Euphoria: Euphoria means a feeling of happiness, so I think this a good title, as it would reflect the feelings of my audience.
Out of these, my favorite title is probably Euphoria, as it literally translates to a feeling of happiness, and yet it sounds unique enough to stand out from other magazines. It also sounds like the possible name of a band/song that would be featured in my magazine. The words that have been highlighted/increased in size are the names I am considering using for my magazine. I shall devise a poll to see what the public think, and that will ultimately influence my choice of name. 

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