Saturday 8 December 2012

Magazine Cover Composition

To comprise my front cover, I shall plan out the layout for my Music Magazine. Firstly I need to decide the size of my logo based on the size of my front cover cover image. From my research, I have noted that the main image of the magazine normally takes up around three quarters of the main page. Therefore, I shall make the image to this size, even if this means editing, or removing a section of the main image. Using this size as my base, the logo shall be at least half the length of the page, and it shall be of a similar width.

The next thing I have noticed is that the main cover tends to have cover lines, which take up one side, and in the case of my magazine, it shall be down the left hand side of the page. These shall be fairly generic cover lines, such as advertisements for other artists and competitions. 

I shall also have a cover line, linking to my cover photo, to introduce the cover artist. Once again, this shall be inspired by the other magazines I have looked at, and will vocalize my artist's feeling toward stardom, and how they got where they did. This will also be reflected in my double page spread, and the story I shall create.

Next, I have to consider the positioning of my barcode, and my issue number shall go. I shall be placing them in the bottom left hand corner of the page, as not to interfere with my cover lines. I shall only have this in the bottom corner, as not to interfere with the rest of my cover.

Now, I have to decide weather or not I want to have my title over my main image, or to have it under it. I feel that I should have the title over the magazine, as the magazine is a one off, and thus the tittle wouldn't be instantly recognizable, compared to others.

Lastly, I have to decide what colour, or house style I should utilize. Due to the nature of my magazine, and the audience it is aimed at, I shall utilize a dark red, and black style, as they seem to be the colours that woulds suit my magazine.

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