Monday 10 December 2012

Reasoning behind front cover photos

For my photographs, I chose to dress my models up in a style which would match the genre of my magazine. Since I was going for an alternative rock magazine, I decided to go to the extremes of the genre's magazine covers: One fairly normally dressed artist, such as those seen on the cover of Kerrang!, and one dressed in a very quirky manner, like those seen on the cover of NME.

I took inspiration from Kerrang! for my first model. I dressed him up in fairly plain clothes, with a red leather jacket. This, much like the colouring I have planned for my title, and cover lines is bright, and a contrast to the plain clothes. and so should stand out from the rest of the cover. This mirrors a magazine such as Kerrang! where the main artist on the cover appears to be wearing casual clothes, such as those the artist would wear off stage. However, I have utilized the red jacket which lis my way of putting a spin on what i have already seen. The jacket also bears the 'Superman' logo across the chest, so if I featured that model, I could draw specific mention to it, and utilize it as part of the artist's character/persona.

The next model I dressed up in a more unusual outfit, comprised of a tailed suit jacket, a top hat, a cane, and a pair of casual trousers/a casual shirt. Her nails were also painted black and red to mirror the black jacket of the suit, and the red trousers she was wearing. This is because some of the artists featured in Alternative rock magazines have a very quirky/unique style, and I wanted one of my artists to be no exception to that rule. As was seen with the artist on the cover of NME, I have also chosen to utilize props, in the form of a cane, and a guitar. As the full outfit resembles some form of magician, and the outfit is primarily comprised of red and black, I have chosen to utilize a playing card gimmick for my magazine, as it matches the outfit my model was wearing. Ultimately, I prefer these photographs to those of my male model,because they seem to suit the genre of my magazine slightly better than the other ones, along with the fact that I prefer those photographs, due to the fact that they are far more varied, and there is more that can be done with them.

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