Friday 22 February 2013

Evaluation question 3

What kind of Media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The way in which magazines are distributed is key to a magazines success. If a magazine is poorly advertised, and poorly distributed, then it will be a complete and utter failure, with the magazine failing to make enough money to break even. Therefore, care has to be taken if this is to be avoided, and if the magazine is to thrive, then distribution has to be taken into consideration. For example, the magazine Kerrang!, which is published by the Bauer Media Group is distributed across the U.K, every week. Kerrang! is considered to be one of the most
popular music magazines in the U.K today, and this is partially down to its distribution. If Kerrang! had not been so widely distributed across the U.K, then it's success would have been far less, and therefore it would have far lower weekly sales.

(Flowchart created with

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