Friday 22 February 2013

Evaluation question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience for my magazine would be drastically different to a magazine such as Kerrang!, due to my magazine being aimed at alternative rock fans, who do not have a magazine specifically dedicated to their wants, or interests. Therefore, my target audience would almost be the binary opposite of a magazine like Kerrang!, or BBC Music. Research using websites such as UKtribes has indicated to me that my target audience tend to have the following traits:

  • High internet use, and magazine use.
  • A fairly high use of television, and of the radio.
  • A fairly low use of newspapers and the cinema.
  • They also use social networking sites higher than most other youth groups.

Due to their varying tastes in music, media and magazines, I have tailored my work to their interests, and their wants.

Here is a member of my target audience called Matt. Matt is likely to buy my magazine as when quizzed about what magazines he purchases, and what his media usage is like, he responded with the following:

  • He buys magazines such as Kerrang! and NME, which are the basis for my magazine.
  • He uses the internet copious amounts, mainly websites like Facebook and Youtube. 
  • His favorite clothes shops include H and M and DC shoes.
  • His favorite shop for film and electronic entertainment is HMV.
  • He spends a large amount of his free time at the cinema with friends, and playing video games on his Xbox 360.

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