Wednesday 23 January 2013

Double page spread article: Second draft

From my first draft, I have made a number of improvements to ensure my work is more like that of a music magazine, rather than anything else.

A few months ago, during Alice’s stratospheric  rise to fame following the release of her debut,  album, “Oh Glory”, Renegade’s resident interviewer managed to collar the rising star for an hour before a Gig, during the final night of her “It will be alright on the night” tour. During which the star spoke of her rise to fame, her family’s opinion of her music, and how music has been taken over by 12 year olds with no talent. Justin Beiber, Rebecca Black, we’re looking at you!

A dusty changing room backstage is the best that can be mustered up for this interview. Alice sits opposite me, in an armchair, whilst I sit atop an upturned box. There is a small, temporary table between us, filled with presents from adoring fans, and some letters from the more lustful of her fans.  The sounds of the stage being set up can be heard faintly from behind the door. Alice is currently wearing her outfit ready for the Gig tonight. Her face is painted to look like a circus performer, notably, a ringmaster, and she has a long jacket on. A top hat hangs off the top of her head, allowing ginger locks to flow down like a waterfall.

 I am the first to speak. “So, how’s the tour (the tour in question being her “It will be alright on the night” tour) going Alice? Looks like it’s been a success.” She sighs, and looks at me, as though I have just told her all about politics, or the stock market, or some other boring news article about David Cameron and his daughter. “Yeah. It’s alright, I guess. I mean, it’s more successful than the last one.” Her voice is filled with boredom. I can tell she was expecting a more unusual interview than this, so I come in with my next point. “So, your fans have always loved your style. The way you dress, and the way you play. I must say that you look remarkable dressed like that. How do you think up all these costumes?” Her eyes widen a little. A question she has probably been asked many times, though she seemed a little more interested in that, than my previous question. “I dunno. It’s just sort of who I am. Plus, you attract a different crowd of people if you dress like Lady Gaga, than say Matt Bellamy.” The way she speaks of the lead singer of Muse perhaps hints at some pride, or admiration. Perhaps it insinuates at something more?

As much as I want to pry further, I decide to go for a question a nation of fans want answers. “So, last night you announced your next album as having already been recorded. We have all heard your latest single “uNdErTone”, which is phenomenal by the way. Was this hard to keep under wraps from your fans, and have you planned for any other singles to be released before the album comes out?” She leans in, and smiles. “Thanks, I really liked recording that one, and playing with the equalizers  and all the shit that goes with that.” She pauses for a moment, before answering again.  “Plus, I’m sure your readers would love to know about hiding a record from the public, but I think the less that’s said, the better. As for other singles, I have collaboration with ‘The Joy Formidable’ actually. Plus on the album, when it’s released of course, is a song with Panic! At the Disco. Course, I can’t say any more than that.” She leans back, and takes a drink from a cup on the table. I put together what she has said, and decide to carry on the topic of what was announced on her official facebook page, and twitter account last night, which created quite a stir in her fans.

“You also made reference to the name of your next tour being called ‘Fuck Wonderland’. Anything you wish to add? I mean, how can you decide what your next tour will be like if you haven’t even finished this one?” Now she sits up. She is obviously a lot more interested in this one, which obviously means I am the first person to ask her this. She hesitates for a second, before starting again. “Well, I had this idea about making a tour that basically pisses around with all the stuff in Alice in Wonderland, which was my favourite book as a kid, and I feel that now would be a good time to do it. Obviously, I’m taking a short break, but I want to get out there and play. Not many people get the chance to do this, ya know? I mean, a year ago, I was just a no-body from London, selling coffees in Starbucks. Now, I’m nearly a household name! So I want to play whilst I can, and if I can make some cash, then that’s great too.” She stops, and takes a drink from her cup, before turning back to me. “Plus, the more time I spend on stage, the less time people have to formulate stories, like I’m out clubbing with Brandon Flowers, or dating the lead from some band like Panic at the Disco.” 

She lets out a nervous laugh with her last comment, as though she has something more to say. I take the opportunity to raise another point I know her fans are dying to know. “Actually, that’s a question I want to know the answer to, have you had time to find yourself a boyfriend? I hear Justin Beiber might be available.” She shoots me a smile, and she lets out a laugh, and yet, I feel some form of hostility from her. “No. I mean there were loads of rumours that I was going out with Adam Levine from Maroon 5, but that was just a bunch of crap. Besides, my mother approves of the music, but she probably wouldn’t approve of me getting a ‘rock boyfriend’. As for Beiber, I’m gonna say no, and say that we shouldn't let 12 year olds make shitty music. The world would be thankful for that. I mean, c’mon! Baby and Friday? Who signs these people?!” She lets out a more relaxed laugh now. I guess her parents must have had a big effect on her.

“So, your parents are proud?” She looks at me, and her smile melts away. She takes a long breath before starting. “Well, yes and no. Mum is proud of me, and no matter what I do, she will be happy that I’m doing what I love. Dad.... Well, he just wants me to earn loads, and save it up. They sometimes fight about it, and it gets super awkward sometimes. Then again, my sister is a money grabbing bitch, who’s always asking for money. Luckily, my brother keeps her away. Life can be really hard, ya know?” She takes a long drink from the cup, and then throws it behind her. She looks tired, like the tour has begun to take its toll.

I have so many more questions I want ask her, but the stage manager calls her for a sound check, and she apologizes before leaving. To be fair to her, she said an hour, and we spent nearly that long trying to find a room to do this interview. I guess my questions will have to wait till next time, or till the next time she has time to spare in a dusty backroom.

One thing that does surprise me is how well-spoken she is, especially when her background doesn't place her in the upper class. Most other rock acts swear every other fucking word, and get in the papers for getting drunk in every hotel possible.

 But I guess she is just a different class of Rocker...

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