Wednesday 2 January 2013

Contents Page analysis

  • There are 63 pages in the issue of Kerrang! according to the contents page.
  • There are 14 pages of Kerrang! devoted to advertising.
  • The types of products advertised could be categorized as: Phone advertising, Gig adverting, Album advertising, Clothes and Mental health issues. 
  • The topics in the magazine include: Feedback, News, Live reviews, Posters, Features, Albums, A Gig guide and The Ultimate Rockstar test.
  • The most number of pages are dedicated to the feature of the magazine, which takes up 16 pages of the 63 in the magazine. 
  • There are 4 double page spreads in this issue of Kerrang!
  • There is an advatorial on pages 6 and 7, where the article has been written about the Kerrang! 2013 tour, but it has a Q and A section running throughout, like an interview.
  • The house style which can be found on the contents page features Black/Red blocking, Yellow or white text over the top, and Black text everywhere else. There is also a similar red and black colour scheme for the advertisement at the side of the page.
  • There is an editorial message at the bottom of the page, which takes up a small section on the bottom of the page, along with a picture of the editor.
  • The majority of the contents page is taken up with a picture advertising a competition for a meet and greet with 'Asking Alexandria".
  • The header denotes the issue number, and the date the magazine was released.
  • The Mode of address matches that seen on the cover, utilizing words which the target audience would also make use of. 
  • The typeface is similar to that of the front cover, including worn, graffiti like fonts, and bold, sans-serif fonts for the rest of the text.   

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