Wednesday 9 January 2013

Front cover second draft.

From the feedback given to me, I now have a good idea of what needs to be changed. Firstly, I shall edit the Fonts on my cover, so that there is less confusion over the sizing of the fonts/coverlines.

Next, I need to make my photograph blend in slightly better with my background. To do this, I shall utilize the eraser tool,  but change the opacity, and the hardness of the line. 

Next, I need to alter the colour of my background colour to something lighter. Firstly, I tried a lighter grey colour, however, that turned out to look too dark yet again, so I added lighting effects, to which the result was far more to my liking. I had to apply the effect several times, but the background now looks far better than a plain black one. This change also allows me to keep my red colour scheme. 

Following this, I need to add more design elements to make my magazine more unique, and less generic. I have decided to make this part of my title, as the title should stay the same from magazine to magazine. I have changed one letter of the font, which now makes the title look a little like wet paint, and is now dripping. 

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