Thursday 31 January 2013

Double page spread layout research

The next step in creating my music magazine is my double page spread. Firstly, since I have already written my article, I shall focus solely on the layout of the article, and how other magazines choose to lay their pictures out.

The first Double page spread is from an Issue of Kerrang! This double page spread features a picture on one page, whilst the other is where the article is printed on the other. The text is all on one page, except there is a column of information on the side of the picture. The text inside the article varies in size, especially where the paragraphs start and end. The pull quote is also located at the very end of the article, and is enlarged. In my opinion I like this layout, as it looks simplistic, and, whilst I feel it could be improved with text wrapping, and a few more design features, I like its simplistic look, and will more than likely include some elements of this in my work.

The second double page spread is from a Rock Sound magazine. This one features the article on one page, whilst the main image is on the other.However, the article is surrounded by smaller images, which I feel is a nice touch. There is a design feature in the form of the arrows, however, I don't feel I shall be using a feature like this, as it wouldn't suit the artist in my magazine.Furthermore, I shall move the pull quote to the start of the article, as I feel this is the best place to put it.

The third magazine is from Q. This one features the photograph being on the opposite page to the other articles I have looked at. However, this one has some text going across the photograph,and the article is a solid block of text. The pull quote appears over the image, and I like the way the questions from the interviewer are written in Red, and the responses in Black.

The fourth magazine is from NME, an like the first two has the photograph on the left hand page. Much like the second image, there is more than one image on the page. The main image also goes across both pages, which, whilst I like, isn't something I shall use in my work. I will also wrap the text, which isn't a feature seen in this magazine.

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